Blog posts tagged with 'reusable menstrual silky cup india'

Can I have sex with Silky Cup (reusable menstrual cup) in?

Can I have sex with Silky Cup (reusable menstrual cup) in?


No, The cup will only act as a barrier if you attempt vaginal sex. It is not a contraceptive and does not provide protection against STDs or pregnancy.

Can I wear Silky Cup (reusable menstrual cup) during sex?

Can I wear Silky Cup (reusable menstrual cup) during sex?


No. It would be a barricade if you attempted vaginal sex with Silky Cup (reusable menstrual cup) in. Silky Cup (reusable menstrual cup) is not a contraceptive and will not prevent against STDs or pregnancy. If you wish to have vaginal sex, simply remove your Silky Cup.